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What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?   Author:Draekai
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I was a genius in the Earthen Plane. I was a cripple in the Spiritual Plane. I was dead in the Cloud Plane. After experiencing death in the form of dragon sneeze, I find myself back in my room in Earthen Plane where I was a genius. I had been too focused on training myself in the past life. Now that I've been given a second chance, I should just enjoy my life to the fullest extent! Instead of locking myself up in my room to cultivate, take in a few disciples so they can help take care of me! Easy life is best life! The other Planes suck anyway, I'll just lay back here and relax! All I need to do is to teach my dear disciples on the things I've learnt while they take care of me! Huh? What do you mean one of my disciples destroyed the Sinister Demon Sect last night? Do you not see how she's here massaging my shoulders now? There's no way my disciple could have obliterated the all-powerful Xi Family, can't you see she's obediently pouring tea for me over there? You must be delusional to even suggest my disciple could have flattened the impassable Death Mountains, just look at how cute she is taking a nap under the cherry blossom tree. What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
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Chapter 958: This Wasnt Even A Fight

  (MC POV)

  Sorry… Did I say fight?

  What I really meant was 'one sided slaughter'.

  Like seriously, the lineup on my side is enough to wreck the entire continent that even the top Sects would be hard pressed to contain. You think this ragtag group of monsters was any threat to us now that Gob isn't helping them anymore?

  Speaking of that goblin…

  I was expecting him to slaughter the monsters that attacked him but either he was caught completely by surprise or ..











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