Chapter Synopsis:
writer:Weight Loss Expert      update:2022-07-29 17:50
  It is now Luo Nan’s group’s perspective. They make their way down the building to a side street when suddenly a loud ringing happens in their ears. There appears to be a problem with the Psychic Wave Network. The group then finds themselves alone in the city. Only the strong remain, namely the powerful members of the Order and the Society.

  President Ouyang Chen realizes he had made a mistake and the ability user society members return to reality. Luo Nan sees the crowds of civilians once again.

  This ability of Ouyang Chen is called spatial rifting. The members of the Order no longer exist on the plane of reality. They are now trapped in Ouyang’s rift. However, Luo Nan can still observe what is going on there, part of his consciousness still remained within.

  The perspective shifts to An Weng and Ouyang. Ouyang states that he calls his world ’Logic’.